Our practice focuses on representing individuals in a broad range of estate planning, probate, business and taxation related issues. We have experience in all aspects of probate and trust administration. We advise clients on asset protection planning, including the use of limited partnerships and limited liability companies (LLCs), and the various exemptions available under Texas law, including homestead law. We also advise clients regarding charitable planning, including establishing charitable foundations and organizations, charitable trusts such as charitable remainder annuity trusts (CRATS), charitable remainder unitrusts (CRUTS) and charitable lead annuity trusts (CLATS)
At the Law Office Of Kevin A. Sunn, P.L.L.C., we understand the value you place on comprehensive estate planning. To make sure that happens, you need to provide instructions stating whom you want to receive something of yours, what you want them to receive, and when they are to receive it. You will, of course, want this to happen with the least amount paid in taxes, legal fees, and court costs. That is estate planning―making a plan in advance and naming whom you want to receive the things you own after you die. But good estate planning is much more than that. It should also:
- Include instructions for passing your values (religion, education, hard work, etc.) in addition to your valuables.
- Include instructions for your care if you become disabled before you die.
- Name a guardian and an inheritance manager for minor children.
- Provide for family members with special needs without disrupting government benefits.
- Provide for loved ones who might be irresponsible with money or who may need future protection from creditors or divorce.
- Provide for the transfer of your business at your retirement, disability or death.
- Minimize taxes, court costs, and unnecessary legal fees.
- Be an ongoing process, not a one-time event.
Your plan should be reviewed and updated as your family and financial situations (and laws) change over your lifetime. It is not just for “retired” people, although people do tend to think about it more as they get older. Unfortunately, we can’t successfully predict how long we will live, and illness and accidents happen to people of all ages. Estate planning is not just for “the wealthy,” either, although people who have built some wealth do often think more about how to preserve it. Good estate planning often means more to families with modest assets, because they can afford to lose the least.